371 research outputs found

    Contaminazioni visive. Dal censimento al sistema. Arte e architettura tra chiesa e territorio a Bologna

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    A partire dal censimento condotto sul patrimonio, architettonico e decorativo, degli edifici di culto della Diocesi di Bologna, le autrici, in qualità di schedatrici, presentano alcune vie d’analisi critica sul materiale raccolto per i relativi ambiti disciplinari. Dopo il censimento pubblicato da Enrico Corty (1844), ancora oggi fondamentale riferimento per qualsiasi indagine preliminare sulle chiese della Diocesi, quella in corso si rivela la prima esperienza in grado di fotografare la reale consistenza del patrimonio ecclesiastico bolognese. A differenza dei lavori ottocenteschi e di primo novecento, si vuole mettere in luce come l’operazione attuale abbia dato forma ad un nuovo sistema di raccolta dei dati provenienti dal territorio felsineo, compatibile con le attuali metodologie di indagine storico artistica e conservativa dei manufatti e delle opere d’arte, nonché con le attuali esigenze di programmazione del destino di queste ultime. Costruendo un intervento a quattro mani e chiamando in causa le differenti analisi sul patrimonio architettonico e su quello storico artistico, si presenteranno alcuni case studies, volgendo attenzione a edifici e complessi decorativi scarsamente indagati del territorio della Diocesi

    Voluntarios y Ex Voluntarios: Perfiles de Participación Ciudadana a Través del Voluntariado

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    The study described is part of a broader longitudinal and multi-methodological research project aimed at investigating volunteerism in young people, in order to understand the reasons for the initial choice to volunteer but, more specifically, the reasons to sustain or quit voluntary involvement, as well as the effects of volunteerism. Eighteen volunteers and 18 ex-volunteers, 50% male and 50% female, aged between 22 and 29 years old, from 2 regions in northern Italy (Lombardy and Emilia Romagna) participated in in-depth interviews. The paper-and-pencil analysis of the interview pointed to the emergence of several core categories: motivations to volunteer, relations within the organization, influence of family, and effects of volunteerism, especially as related to the process of identity and citizenship construction. On the basis of these categories, 4 typologies were identified: 2 with respect to volunteers (producers of active citizenship and volunteers for personal necessity) and 2 related specifically to ex-volunteers (ex-volunteers witnesses for solidarity and active citizenship and ex-volunteers by chance). El estudio descrito es parte de un proyecto de investigación longitudinal y multi-metodológico más amplio sobre el voluntariado juvenil, realizado con el propósito de entender las razones que tuvieron los jóvenes para elegir el voluntariado y, específicamente, las razones para mantener o abandonar el compromiso, así como los efectos de dicho voluntariado. Participaron en entrevistas en profundidad 18 voluntarios y 18 ex-voluntarios, 50% hombres y 50% mujeres, entre 22 y 29 años de edad, de 2 regiones del norte de Italia (Lombardía y Emilia Romagna). El análisis de la entrevista de lápiz y papel permitió trazar varias categorías centrales: las motivaciones al voluntariado, las relaciones dentro de la organización, la influencia de la familia y los efectos del propio voluntariado, especialmente en relación con el proceso de construcción de identidad y ciudadanía. A partir de estas categorías fueron identificadas 4 tipologías: 2 respecto de los voluntarios (voluntarios productores de ciudadanía activa y voluntarios por necesidad personal) y 2 respecto de los ex voluntarios (ex voluntarios testigos de solidaridad y ciudadanía activa y ex voluntarios por azar)

    The Genetic Makeup of Myeloproliferative Neoplasms: Role of Germline Variants in Defining Disease Risk, Phenotypic Diversity and Outcome

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    Myeloproliferative neoplasms are hematologic malignancies typified by a substantial heritable component. Germline variants may affect the risk of developing a MPN, as documented by GWAS studies on large patient cohorts. In addition, once the MPN occurred, inherited host genetic factors can be responsible for tuning the disease phenotypic presentation, outcome, and response to therapy. This review covered the polymorphisms that have been variably associated to MPNs, discussing them in the functional perspective of the biological pathways involved. Finally, we reviewed host genetic determinants of clonal hematopoiesis, a pre-malignant state that may anticipate overt hematologic neoplasms including MPNs

    Integrating home monitoring for transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) therapy to professional care environment

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    Daily management of neurodegenerative diseases is one of the most striking scenarios where an integrated health care system is essential for the continuous assistance to the patient and requires qualification of the caregivers and their training. In particular, patients affected by depression or chronic pain, as well as rehabilitating after stroke, can be treated at home with non-invasive electrical neuromodulation (transcranial Direct Current Stimulation, tDCS) in order to reduce daily travel expenses between home and hospital. Home monitoring of patient undergoing tDCS is essential to (1) optimize the stimulation parameters according to the current health status and to the stimulation outcomes, and (2) assess disease progression. However, monitoring effectiveness depends on the exchange of this information between the patient at home and his/her reference neurologist. Currently, the health IT scenario is composed by two independent environments, one dedicated to healthcare professionals (e.g., Electronic Health Records, EHRs), and one including mobile devices applications dedicated to citizens, caregivers and patients. Safety, communication and interoperability gaps prevented from an effective data exchange between these two environments. The aim of our work is to implement an integrated home monitoring system for tDCS patients, in which a web-based platform for EHR management exchanges data with a patient\u2019s mobile app

    Visual influences, from the census to a system Art and architecture between “church” and “territory” in Bologna

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    Starting from the census conducted on Bolognese churches and their architectural and artistic heritage, the authors introduces some critical analysis on the picked material for each area of interest. After the census published by Henry Corty (1844), fundamental reference for any preliminary investigation on the Diocese churches till today, this is the first experience able to evaluate the real scope of ecclesiastical Bolognese patrimony. Unlike the nineteenth-century studies, they want to show how the currenty research has founded a new system of data collection on the Bolognese surrounding, compatible with the actual methodologies of historical artistic investigation and artworks conservation, as well as the actual demands about their destination. In this four-handed paper, some case studies, focused on little known buildings and decorative complexes, will be submitted. The intersection among architectural, decorative and liturgical data reveal unpublished relationship between visual languages and new system connecting “church” and “territory”

    The Effect of the Psychological Sense of Community on the Psychological Well-Being in Older Volunteers

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    Ageing populations across Europe are increasing. Communities have an important role in not only engaging this segment of the population but also in helping them to make them feel "part of something" (local or global) in order to favour their psychological well-being. The purpose of this paper is to study the effects of volunteering and being connected in one's community on well-being. The present paper will test an older volunteers' psychological well-being model. 143 older volunteers completed measures of religiousness, sense of global responsibility, psychological sense of community, generativity, motivation to volunteer and a profile of mood states. Data show that a psychological sense of community has a key role in the study of older volunteerism due to its impact on well-being. Service agencies and administrations can develop campaigns to sustain older volunteerism in order to increase well-being and reduce social costs

    Young People and Volunteerism: A Model of Sustained Volunteerism During the Transition to Adulthood

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    Abstract A model of sustained volunteerism in young people is proposed. The longitudinal study addresses the questions ''Why do young people decide to continue to volunteer over an extended period of time?'' There were 158 volunteers (82 female and 76 male). The volunteers completed measures of motivation to volunteer, integration, and satisfaction with the organization, merged effects due to voluntary service, social support, identity, and intention to volunteer on a first (Time 1) and a second research wave (Time 2). Results show that both dispositional and organizational variables are important in determining long-term volunteerism in young people and confirmed that role identity is the best predictor of intention to volunteer

    Efectos del clima y el nivel del agua sobre la reproducción de aves acuáticas coloniales en Laguna Mar Chiquita - Bañados del Río Dulce (Argentina Central)

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    En el presente trabajo se exploró la relación entre factores relacionados al clima y la reproducción de aves acuáticas coloniales en un extenso humedal del centro de Argentina, el sistema Laguna Mar Chiquita - Bañados del Río Dulce. Debido a sus distintos requerimientos ecológicos, las diversas especies presentaron respuestas disímiles a las variaciones de los factores climáticos, los cuales a su vez actúan a distintas escalas espaciales. El éxito reproductivo de casi todas las especies fue negativamente afectado por el viento durante las tormentas que se forman localmente durante el verano. Las variaciones en el nivel del agua, producidas por fenómenos no locales sino ocurridos en la parte alta de la cuenca, a gran distancia del humedal, tuvieron una acción directa sobre el número de especies en colonias. El número de parejas, en cambio, no fue directamente afectado por dichas variaciones, aunque el número de parejas en colonias de la Garcita Azulada (Butorides striata) estuvo relacionado al área de hábitat óptimo disponible para la alimentación y nidificación de esta especie, superficie que en definitiva fue regulada por el nivel del agua. La formación de colonias de aves acuáticas estuvo supeditada a niveles estables o con variaciones de hasta 1 m entre un año y el siguiente. Los datos obtenidos presentan implicancias para la biología de la conservación y las estrategias de manejo del agua.The relationship between climate-related factors in an important extensive wetland of central Argentina (Laguna Mar Chiquita - Bañados del Río Dulce) and colonial waterbirds reproduction was explored. Due to their different ecological requirements, the diverse species responded differently to variations in climatic factors, which in turn interact at different spatial scales. Nesting success of almost all species was negatively affected by storm winds occurring in the region in summer. Water level changes, induced by non-local phenomena occurring in the high basin, at a great distance from the Mar Chiquita– Dulce River system, had a direct effect on species number in colonies. On the contrary, pair numbers was not directly affected by water level changes, although the pair numbers in the Striated Heron (Butorides striata) colonies was related to the area of the feeding and nesting habitat suitable for this species, which was eventually regulated by water level. Waterbirds colony formation depended on water levels that were stable or changed in up to 1 m in consecutive years. The data obtained has implications for biodiversity conservation and water management strategies.Fil: Torres, Ricardo Marcelo. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba; ArgentinaFil: Michelutti, Matias Pablo. No especifica;Fil: Dominino, Jael. Administración Nacional de Parques; ArgentinaFil: León, José Gabriel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mendoza. Instituto Argentino de Nivología, Glaciología y Ciencias Ambientales. Provincia de Mendoza. Instituto Argentino de Nivología, Glaciología y Ciencias Ambientales. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Instituto Argentino de Nivología, Glaciología y Ciencias Ambientales; ArgentinaFil: Mangeaud, Arnaldo. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba; ArgentinaFil: Rodriguez, Andres. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Pozzi Piacenza, Cecilia Elena. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba; ArgentinaFil: Plencovich, Gonzalo. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba; ArgentinaFil: Pagot, Mariana. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba; ArgentinaFil: Hillman, Gerardo. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba; Argentin

    Distribution of Primed T Cells and Antigen-Loaded Antigen Presenting Cells Following Intranasal Immunization in Mice

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    Priming of T cells is a key event in vaccination, since it bears a decisive influence on the type and magnitude of the immune response. T-cell priming after mucosal immunization via the nasal route was studied by investigating the distribution of antigen-loaded antigen presenting cells (APCs) and primed antigen-specific T cells. Nasal immunization studies were conducted using the model protein antigen ovalbumin (OVA) plus CpG oligodeoxynucleotide adjuvant. Trafficking of antigen-specific primed T cells was analyzed in vivo after adoptive transfer of OVA-specific transgenic T cells in the presence or absence of fingolimod, a drug that causes lymphocytes sequestration within lymph nodes. Antigen-loaded APCs were observed in mediastinal lymph nodes, draining the respiratory tract, but not in distal lymph nodes. Antigen-specific proliferating T cells were first observed within draining lymph nodes, and later in distal iliac and mesenteric lymph nodes and in the spleen. The presence at distal sites was due to migration of locally primed T cells as shown by fingolimod treatment that caused a drastic reduction of proliferated T cells in non-draining lymph nodes and an accumulation of extensively divided T cells within draining lymph nodes. Homing of nasally primed T cells in distal iliac lymph nodes was CD62L-dependent, while entry into mesenteric lymph nodes depended on both CD62L and α4β7, as shown by in vivo antibody-mediated inhibition of T-cell trafficking. These data, elucidating the trafficking of antigen-specific primed T cells to non-draining peripheral and mucosa-associated lymph nodes following nasal immunization, provide relevant insights for the design of vaccination strategies based on mucosal priming